
Members of St Jacobi Congregational Church work together to fulfill our church covenant. New members are welcome in our congregation by letter of transfer from another congregation, baptism, or declaration of faith. All members are encouraged to actively seek to fulfill our covenant. Visitors are welcome to participate in all church activities, including communion. However, only members can vote during congregational meetings.


Congratulations! You are planning a wedding! We know that this is a busy and exciting time. You are welcome to inquire about using our church for your special day. There are fees associated with the services of the minister, services of the church musician and the use of the Sanctuary. Weddings are usually not permitted between August 1 and September 21. The pastor of St. Jacobi is required to officiate all church weddings. All weddings must be approved by the Church Council of the congregation by recommendation of the Pastor and a Church Use Contract must be signed.


St. Jacobi Congregational Church participates in both infant and adult baptism. If you are interested in being baptized or having a baptism for your child please contact the church office. Baptisms are only available on Sunday during our morning worship.


For these ministries please call:


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In your time of grief, please know that St. Jacobi Congregational is available for funeral services.  Ministerial services of hospice, hospital, and family visits can often be provided off-site. A family member or your chosen funeral professional should contact the church office at the earliest convenience for details and scheduling.