© Copyright

Experience the joy of worship and the power of community at St. Jacobi Church. Our doors are always open to new members and visitors.

Join us in person for worship every Sunday at 10 am.


Monthly Fellowship

MONTHLY FELLOWSHIP will be held on the last Sunday of the month at church. If you would like to provide food and beverages or sponsor a Monthly Fellowship, please see the sign-up sheet which can be found at the rear of the church sanctuary. Thank you.




If you would like to sign-up your children, please contact Sunday School Director Julie Kluck at jkkluck@att.net .  Please also consider signing up to serve as a substitute teacher, parent helper in the classroom, help plan activities/lessons, or provide snacks.  We would love to have you join us!  Contact Julie for more details. 

St. Jacobi, a place of community and spiritual inspiration for more than 160 years! With such a rich history to build on, we seek to be a church community that is growing in our knowledge of God's word, our understanding of Christ, and our awareness of the Holy Spirit

february 9, ​​​2025 

St. Jacobi Church: Where Faith Meets Community


 we are a small church on the corner of highway 167 and scenic road in the town of richfield, wisconsin.   WE INVITE YOU TO JOIN US ON SUNDAY MORNINGS AT 10 AM  AS WE GATHER FOR THE WORSHIP OF GOD. 



​​UPCOMING events

New Bible Study - Starting in February, Pastor Jerry will be leading a new Bible study on the topic "Why Would a Good God Allow Suffering?"  This is a 6 week study and please see Pastor Jerry if you would like to attend.

Fair Share – The NACCC relies on member churches to help support their missions.  Each member church is asked to prayerfully give at the “Fair Share” level which is $13 per member.  If you would like to contribute to our Fair Share fund, please see one of the ushers for a donation envelope.

Membership List – There is a new, updated Member and Friends list in the rear of the sanctuary.  Help Yourself!

Food Drive – Our first food drive of the year begins February 2.  St. Boniface has indicated that the most needed items right now are canned fruit;  macaroni and cheese;  hamburger helper; any type of bean (refried, pinto, black or kidney).  They have also asked for Piggly Wiggly gift cards.

Midweek Lenten Services – The sign up sheet for bringing food for our midweek Lenten services is now in the rear of the sanctuary.  Our first service will be on Thursday, March 13 with a light supper beginning at 6 pm and worship following at approximately 6:45.

Media Mavens - Media Mavens will meet on Monday, March 3 at noon.  Location to be determined.


church calendar



  Join us for coffee at 9:30 am every Sunday morning.

 Feb 2      8:30 am Bible Study
               10 am Worship
                Food Drive Begins

Feb 3     12 pm Media Mavens

Feb 9     8:30 am Bible Study
              10 am Worship
               Food Drive Continues

Feb 16    8:45 Council Meeting
               10 am Worship
                Food Drive Continues

Feb 23     10 am Worship